
It's difficult to write about healthcare and not to write about politics, but I shall try.
In England, everyone has access to a healthcare service funded by taxes. This means that if you need to see a doctor, you visit a primary care physician (GP in the UK, PCP in the USA) who diagnoses you or refers you to another expert. This system is entirely free at the point of use. The only time a British person pays for healthcare is if they want to buy a nicer wheelchair or crutch, etc. if they need a prescription (in England only) or for dentistry or the optician.
In the USA, there is lots of information in the great Vlogbrothers video that follows. What I was intrigued about, though, is that the UK spends more on healthcare per person than the likes of Finland, which is recognised as a well funded socialist paradise.
Here's the great video I mentioned:


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