Insomnia comes for many reasons. I could probably Google it and find plenty of caffeine, illness or other reasons that are the primary causes of it.
But for me right now, the reason I am posting at 1:30am, is that I am excited. I bought a new laptop last night, and get to collect it when the sun comes up. I'm also going canoeing with my wife and mother-in-law and I'm soon moving house.
That's too much excitement for one person. But the only fact in that list that's really keeping me up is the new laptop. You see I'm a proper nerd, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Over the last week, I've been teaching myself C# and I'm doing pretty well. Several mornings this week (I'm on an off fortnight from my degree work) I've woken up early and gone straight to my computer to carry on the coding of an app idea I have, and learning.
And now I have a new machine with with to play, develop and learn new things. And, who knows, maybe even make my fortune with this app idea?
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